
Mousse de Creme de Chocolate e Avelãs

Ingredientes (6 copos/taças):

  • 400g de creme de avelã – tipo Nutella
  • 200ml de natas (para bater)
  • 2 claras de ovo
  • 2 colheres (sopa) de açúcar
  • 1/3 chávena (chá) de avelã torrada e picada


Bata as claras em castelo/neve com o açúcar.
Bata as natas, até obter um chantilly firme, mas não muito duro. Reserve.
Misture o creme de avelã com as claras batidas , mexendo com uma colher.
Envolva, delicadamente, as natas batidas em chantilly.
Misture no creme de chocolate as avelãs picadas.
Distribua pelos copos ou taças e leve ao frigorífico até servir.


Chocolate Cream and Hazelnuts Mousse

Ingredients (6 cups / bowls):

  • 400g hazelnut cream – kind Nutella
  • 200ml double cream
  • 2 egg whites
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1/3 cup chopped and toasted hazelnuts



Beat the egg whites with the sugar.
Whip the cream.
Mix the hazelnut cream with the egg whites, stirring with a spoon.
Wrap gently the whipped cream into chocolate cream.
Stir in the chocolate cream the chopped hazelnuts.

Distribute the cream of the glasses or bowls and refrigerate until serving.


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